[virtio] [OASIS Issue Tracker] (VIRTIO-105) Virtio NET
Rusty Russell
2014-05-01 03:33:58 UTC
Summary: Virtio NET
Key: VIRTIO-105
URL: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/VIRTIO-105
Project: OASIS Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO) TC
Issue Type: Sub-task
Affects Versions: virtio 1.0 csprd01
Reporter: Rusty Russell
Assignee: Rusty Russell
Virtio Net Control Virtqueue
Could the virtio_net_ctrl
​ ​
​structure ​be split into an request and response structure
​ ​
with​ command specific data present in both giving a space for the device to respond with data instead of just a boolean ack.
It could, but it would simply be a documentation change as we have no
current users who need that.
Could a vendor specific command be added to allow for extensions?
Not sure how that would work? I'm happy for us to reserve some class on
a demand basis, but if we just specify one as "vendor specific" how
would it be differentiated and used?


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